production n. 1.生产,产生;【物理学】(粒子的)生成;制造;(电影的)摄制;(戏剧的)演出;著作。 2.产品,制品;作品;总产量;成果。 3.提出,提供,拿出。 4.【数学】延长(线)。 5.大事张罗,小题大做。 6.电影制片。 a means of production 生产资料。 full production 成批生产。 pre-production 试生产。 line production 流水作业法,连续作业法。 standard production 标准产额。 go [be put] into production 开始生产。 make a production of [out of] 对…小题大做。
Foliation, bloom, and production became erratic . 萌芽、开花和结果变得很不正常。
The loss of jobs and production would be far from total . 对就业和生产所造成的损失决不会是全部的。
Pug henry pulled from his case sketches and production tables . 帕格亨利从皮包里拿出草图和产品目录。
Indices of employment, payrolls, and production steadied in february 1931 . 1931年2月,就业、工资额和生产指数稳定。
The greatest triumph of american scientific and production genius was the development of the atomic bomb . 美国科学家和生产创造力最伟大的成就还是原子弹的制造。
We have a vast system of trial and error-of successive approximation to an equilibrium system of price and production . 我们具有一个逐步改正误差的范围广泛的制度,它是一种逐步接近均衡的价格和生产的制度。
Situation of trade and production of cotton in the world 世界棉花生产及贸易格局
Wooden staircases products and production techniques 木楼梯产品及生产工艺和技术
Design and production courses in sheung wan -提供大学预科与商业经济进修课程。
Fair knowledge on welding and production drawing 良好的焊接工艺与技术图纸知识。